Rasi, Star, Dasa-Bhukti calculator

Below calculator gives your rasi, star, current dasa & bhukti as well as current planetary position. Marriage, job, promotions, earnings, expenses, problems etc. can be predicted with help of these current dasa periods & planetary positions. Enter date, month, year & time in 24 hr format. Leave DST(Daylight savings) if not applicable. Chennai longitude & latitude will be 80 E 17 & 13 N 04. Time zone for India is 5:30

Day:      Month:     Year:
Time:  (24 hr Format)      Zone:   DST
Longitude: : East Latitude: : South

Your Rasi

Your Nakshatram

Birth Dasha/Bhukthi:

Current Dasha/Bhukthi:

Planets:Su-Suriyan, Mo-Chandran, Ma-Sevvai, Ra-Rahu, Ju-Guru, Sa-Sani, Me-Bhudan, Ke-Kethu, Ve-Sukran 

For astrology consultation contact astroguidance123@gmail.com